This is the first post I’ve done in a long time since I thought that no one was interested in my blog. I mostly walked away from it cause I was overwhelmed with school work and family issues. I think I only had one person post a comment on my blogs and that was it. So I just walked away.

Then a little while ago I noticed I got an email from WordPress telling me that someone posted comments about my blogs related to Barack Obama and Al Sharpton. And were those comments mad. I could imagine this person pounding away at their computer with fury (Just read them, I’m too lazy to actually paste anything).

I’m surprised I didn’t get more comments about my posts from last Easter when I called Jesus a Zombie and had a long rant about the evils of Western Religion. I posted those comments on Barack and Al months ago, and I’m just now getting someone chastising me for it.

I’m not expecting Oprah to read my blog, but I would at least expect people to be relevant. You would have figured I had insulted someones mother with that rebuttal and it was all about a blog I had written months ago. Not even Barack would have cared.

One of the things my time away has given me was the opportunity to look into myself and come to a conclusion about myself. I’m a Nihilist. A functioning Atheistic Nihilist. I agree that there are rules we need to go by but I choose which ones I want to break based on my ability to get away with it. I don’t believe in god or in any moral authority but I think that Satan is cool. I love the ideas that the Constitution represents, but I have no faith in humanity, who as a disciplined people, make the Constitution functional. I certainly don’t believe in communism, but I do believe that capitalism fucked up the world.

I also learned that my faith in people should stop with those that I care about most but also to be ready to write them off if the moment suggests I would be better off. If you’ve ever been betrayed or disappointed, you’ll know why, and it’s only the ones that you love most that will break your faith in the good in the world.

I also learned that I think I’m perverted. I really want to be alone with Hillary Clinton, she walks up to me with an empty fifth of Jack Daniels and says, “Drop your pants and grab your toes. I’ll show ya where this thing goes.” Needless to say I’m voting for Hillary, and yes I like her ideas even if she doesn’t have the warmest personality of all the candidates.

And now to stir the pot.


Al Sharpton is still an attention whore and he keeps trying to get his name in the papers, but his most recent public appearance was after the feds raided his office because of allegations of mishandled funds. I don’t know what became of it, and I really don’t care, but I thought it was funny when he said that it was retaliation for all of his civil rights work.

Barack Obama is still a political Newby that is part of the Chicago Democratic Machine. I wouldn’t vote for him even if he were holding a gun to my head. Then again after the things I said here, I’m sure he and Hillary could both say they’d rather not have my vote. That’s okay though, I’ll keep it to myself.

Anne Coultier is the face of cruel conservative Republicans in the United States. I could go into detail but I like this page here and I think it says all I could say.




For all the hate and bitterness in the world, it’s no wonder I’m a Nihilist. I can’t imagine why in the world, with all of the pain and suffering that goes on in the world we have to worry about the bullshit opinion of some guy that no one will ever meet. I’m never gonna meet anyone who reads my blog, and they wont meet me.


Gotta go, I have to take a dump



Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are overrated.


            Who lets people like Al Sharpton walk the streets unsupervised?  That question should be asked before a congressional committee.  He made a big stink about Imus calling some female basketball players some nappy naired hos, but does Al really give a damn about those girls?  Here’s my opinion, people like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, and most of those civil rights figures are out for the attention they can get themselves by sticking their head into the pictuer.

            I remember when a kid in
Chicago got the living crap beat out of him in what was described as a racially motivated attack.  Jessie Jackson came along to intervene and even managed to get the kid and his attackers to make friends.  In reality, people like Jackson and Sharpton don’t really seem to care about the people that they’re trying to help, they want to get the national headlines in order to keep themselves in the spotlight.

            Al Sharpton doesn’t give a damn about the general public. And certainly doesn’t care about the girls on the ladies on the Rutgers Womens Basketball team.  It’s well known that he was caught on surveillance video making a money laundering deal with the Mob years ago.  He’s no different than any other con man who takes advantage of the public trust to bolster himself and to earn higher ratings for his radio show.  With the higher ratings he can charge more for advertisements and line his pockets.

Jessie Jackson is also a publicity ambulance chaser.  He follows up on the latest tragedy to make himself look like a peace maker and an activist for the ordinary man.  If I got the crap beat out of me by a bunch of guys from another race, I wouldn’t want
Jackson to come along to take advantage of my pain so he can get some time with the press.

But all of this comes along cause Imus stuck his foot in his mouth.  I’m guilty of doing worse, I’ve used the word nigger in the past as well as kyke, spic, dego, wetback, faggot, dyke and honkey, so should Al have some guys come over to my house and beat the shit out of me?  I’ll tell you this much, I never cared to listen to Imsu in the past.  Now I’m inclined to tune in and help his ratings just to piss Sharpton off.